Banners without rotation with other banners (no rotation)
Blue area banners (positions 11 and 12)
Number of positions Example Size Price
1 position 11 or 12 203x50 px 5 EUR/day
2 positions 11 and 12 203x100 px 9 EUR/day
Orange area banners  (positions from 1 to 8)
Number of positions Example Size Price
1 position 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 200x100 px 6 EUR/day
2 positions 1+2; 2+3; 3+4; 4+5;
5+6; 6+7 or 7+8
200x200 px 12 EUR/day
3 positions 1+2+3; 2+3+4; 3+4+5;
4+5+6; 5+6+7 or 6+7+8
200x300 px 17 EUR/day
4 positions 1+2+3+4; 2+3+4+5; 3+4+5+6;
4+5+6+7 or 5+6+7+8
200x400 px 22 EUR/day
5 positions 1+2+3+4+5; 2+3+4+5+6;
3+4+5+6+7 or 4+5+6+7+8
200x500 px 27 EUR/day
6 positions 1+2+3+4+5+6; 2+3+4+5+6+7
or 3+4+5+6+7+8
200x600 px 34 EUR/day
7 positions 1+2+3+4+5+6+7
or 2+3+4+5+6+7 +8
200x700 px 40 EUR/day
8 positions 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 200x800 px 44 EUR/day
Green area banners  (positions 9 and 10)
Number of positions Example Size Price
1 position 9 or 10 400x70 px 12 EUR/day
2 positions 9 and 10 400x140 px 22 EUR/day
50% rotation of the banner (rotation with other banner) - 1/2 of the price for the chosen position(s)
25% rotation of the banner (rotation with other banners) - 1/4 of the price for the chosen position(s)
There are discounts for long-term contracts, specials, promotions, and others.

All prices do not include VAT.

Technical requirements
1. Banners could be static or animated.
2. Allowed file formats: GIF, JPG or FLASH .

Digital Systems Ltd. determines whether a certain advertising banner is suitable or not.

Statistics of the number of visitors for the website can be found at:
For clients: Detailed statistics by date

1. Payment for advertisement must be done 1 (one) business day before publishing the banner on the website.
2. In case of payment delay, Digital Systems Ltd. is allowed to postpone publishing the banner on the website, or if there is an agreement with the client, to add in a standard compensation of 0.5% of the unpaid amount per every delayed day.
3. The client receives a tax invoice within 5 (five) business days after the payment.

Bank account: SG Expressbank
Address: Varna, Bulgaria
IBAN: BG61TTBB94001515065568
Digital Systems Ltd.

Phone: ++359 52 694050, ++359 52 694060